Air Duct Cleaning
Need Air Duct cleaning services? The friendly technicians at Palmetto Heating & Air are here to help. Below, you will find what our professionals can do for you and your home’s safety.
Palmetto Heating and Air now has an additional service available that is much needed in our area. Duct cleaning removes allergens like dust, dust mites, built up dirt, and debris which causes mold, rodents, and insects to move into your home. Many homeowners do not realize the amount of dirt, dust, debris, and pollen that can build up throughout their duct, releasing through their grills into their home causing them to have poor indoor air quality.
Indoor air pollution is ranked among the top five environmental dangers to the public according to the EPA and studies have concluded that 2 out of 3 indoor air quality problems involve the HVAC/dust system. The level of hazardous pollutants in indoor air has been found to be up to 70 times greater than that of outdoor air. The average six room home collects 40 pounds of dust each year and one out of six people with allergies suffer because of the fungi and bacteria in their air duct systems, according to Total Health magazine.
Dust mites feed off of skin scales and the average person can shed up to 700,000 skin scales per day, creating an abundant amount of food source for dust mites. Although it is true that air duct cleaning alone does not cure health problems such as asthma, allerges, cold and flue; it does play an important role in prevention and treatment to these health problems. Duct cleaning may also save you money, according to energy star airflow problems can reduce your systems efficiency by up to 15% and a buildup of less than half an inch of dirt on a coil can result in a decrease of efficiency by 21%.
We all know how allergens are in the Lowcountry, so give us a call today for pricing or more information; and if you‘re not already a member, ask about joining our planned maintenance agreement to receive 24/7 emergency service, discounts on parts, never an overtime charge, and lower electric bills.
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